Educación y Sostenibilidad de Escuela en Kenia

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Financiado el 24 / 01 / 2019
£ 6,748
£ 5,772
£ 14,277
110 Cofinanciadores
  • Aportando £ 13


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    > 16 Cofinanciadores
  • Aportando £ 21


    Colabora en la sostenibilidad de la escuela y te enviaremos por email un calendario 2019 electrónico, un informe detallado con la información de los resultados del proyecto. Como parte importante y colaborador del proyecto, tu nombre aparecerá en el informe de evaluación (si así lo deseas).

    > 23 Cofinanciadores
  • Aportando £ 42


    Colabora en la sostenibilidad de la escuela y te haremos llegar una pulsera solidaria, un calendario 2019 electrónico enviado por email, y un informe detallado con la información de los resultados del proyecto. Como parte importante y colaborador del proyecto, tu nombre aparecerá en el informe de evaluación (si así lo deseas). Envío solo a España

    > 15 Cofinanciadores
  • Aportando £ 63


    Colabora en la sostenibilidad de la escuela y te haremos llegar una preciosa fotografía original realizada en la escuela (en material fotográfico), una pulsera solidaria, un calendario 2019 electrónico y un informe detallado con la información de los resultados del proyecto. Como parte importante y colaborador del proyecto, tu nombre aparecerá en el informe de evaluación (si así lo deseas). Envío solo a España

    > 03 Cofinanciadores
  • Aportando £ 84


    Colabora en la sostenibilidad de la escuela y te haremos llegar un calendario de mesa 2019 personalizado con fotografías de Kenia hechas por nuestro equipo, una preciosa fotografía original realizada en la escuela (en material fotográfico), una pulsera solidaria, un calendario 2019 electrónico y un informe detallado con la información de los resultados del proyecto. Como parte importante y colaborador del proyecto, tu nombre aparecerá en el informe de evaluación (si así lo deseas). Envío solo a España

    > 07 Cofinanciadores
  • Aportando £ 168


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    > 03 Cofinanciadores
  • Aportando £ 421


    Gracias por tu generosidad te obsequiamos con un regalo sorpresa personalizado. Además durante un año serás socio/a de EveryWhere Schools, recibirás información individualizada y seguimiento, tendrás dos pulseras solidarias, una preciosa fotografía y dos calendarios 2019 (uno de mesa y otro electrónico). Como parte importante y colaborador del proyecto, tu nombre aparecerá en el informe de evaluación (si así lo deseas). Envío a todos los países.

    > 03 Cofinanciadores

World Children´s Day

20 | 11 | 2018
"Every child has the right to education and it is the obligation of the 
State to ensure at least free and compulsory primary education"

Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989

Every year, millions of people are forced to abandon their homes due to natural disasters, armed conflicts, poverty and inequality, religious or political persecution, among others. In 2017, the total population of displaced people reached 68.5 million, a figure higher than the population of Spain and Portugal combined.

Half a year ago, the news channels talked about a minority community called Rohingya that fled from their country to Bangladesh because of persecution and ethnic violence. After collapsing the media with images and stories about the situation for a few weeks, the crisis of the Rohingya like many others was forgotten. Today, more than 700,000 Rohingya take refuge in Bangladesh and since then, more than 300,000 children have no access to education, only the 30% receive two hours of class per day. Lack of education makes the Rohingya, a lost generation.

Not only during the conflicts or disasters the education is interrupted, but due to the displacement, an average of 3 to 4 years is estimated for each child to be un-schooled. While the populations affected by a disaster are usually relocated, the average stay in a refugee camp is 17 years, where education is scarce and puts entire generations at a high risk of vulnerability; and is that only 50% of the refugee children under UNHCR go to primary school.

Kenya is a country with constant internal migrations due to the floods and droughts that affect millions of people and also has the second largest refugee camp in the world after Bangladesh. EveryWhere Schools had the opportunity to visit the educational department of UNHCR-Kenya in Nairobi and was able to understand the reason for the lack of education in the refugee camps and in emergencies in general. The answer: the lack of economic resources and the scarcity of interest in education in emergencies. That is, only 2% of the total humanitarian aid is allocated to education in emergency situations.

From UNHCR, we were told that there are very few educational programs in the refugee camps, many are short-lived and there is a great lack of specialists in psychosocial support. The classrooms are crowded with more than 200 students, teachers who speak another language, lack of infrastructure and others, are some of the reasons why many children prefer to work than to learn the basics such as how to write, read or do basic math..

There are only a few organizations dedicated solely to providing education to children during humanitarian crises and emergencies. Therefore, EveryWhere Schools aims to promote the right to education in emergencies and ensure quality at the primary education level for children immersed in these contexts through programs and educational spaces adapted to their needs, with the community itself being in charge of education.

                    TODAY IS WORLD CHILDREN´S DAY 

                    JOIN EVERYWHERE SCHOOLS

EveryWhere Schools Team


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