Eco-comedor escolar auto-gestionado: Saludable, local y sostenible

Immagine di intestazione
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Finanziato il 28 / 07 / 2019
£ 5,163
£ 4,279
£ 11,653
115 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 8

    Digital cookbook

    You will receive one of our cooks’ famous recipes by email

    > 17 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 17


    You will receive the following by mail (Spain only):
    • T-shirt silkscreened with the save-the-canteen campaign logo “No me toques la olla” (green, 100% cotton)

    > 27 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 42

    T-shirt+Reusable cloth bag

    You will receive the following by mail (Spain only):
    • T-shirt silkscreened with the save-the-canteen campaign logo “No me toques la olla” (green, 100% cotton)
    • Reusable cloth bag silkscreened with the save-the-canteen campaign logo “No me toques la olla” (100% cotton)

    > 17 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 67

    cookbook+Reusable cloth bag

    You will receive the following by mail (Spain only):
    • Cookbook collection of our cooks’ most famous recipes
    • Reusable cloth bag silkscreened with the save-the-canteen campaign logo “No me toques la olla” (100% cotton)

    > 06 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 84

    special guest invitation to a gala celebration +cookbook+Reusable cloth bag

    You will receive a special guest invitation to a gala celebration held at the end of the school year including music, theatre, and other artistic performances. In addition, you will receive the following by mail (Spain only):
    • Cookbook collection of our cooks’ most famous recipes
    • Reusable cloth bag silkscreened with the save-the-canteen campaign logo “No me toques la olla” (100% cotton)

    > 08 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 168

    Basket of organic products +special guest invitation to a gala celebration+Reusable cloth bag

    You will receive a special guest invitation to a gala celebration held at the end of the school year including music, theatre, and other artistic performances. In addition, you will receive the following by mail (Spain only):
    • Basket of organic products from our local suppliers (packaged products)
    • Reusable cloth bag silkscreened with the save-the-canteen campaign logo “No me toques la olla” (100% cotton)

    > 03 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 421

    Certificate entitling two people to eat lunch in our parent canteen for two months+Basket of organic products+Reusable cloth bag

    You will receive a special guest invitation to a gala celebration held at the end of the school year including music, theatre, and other artistic performances. In addition, you will receive the following by mail (Spain only):
    • Certificate entitling two people to eat lunch in our parent canteen for two months (open Monday, Wednesday and Friday)
    • Basket of organic products from our local suppliers (packaged products)
    • Reusable cloth bag silkscreened with the save-the-canteen campaign logo “No me toques la olla” (100% cotton)
    • Guest invitation to the gala celebration.

    > 00 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 842

    Commemorative plaque recognizing you as a donor+special guest invitation to a gala celebration+T-shirt

    You will receive a special guest invitation to a gala celebration held at the end of the school year including music, theatre, and other artistic performances. In addition, you will receive the following by mail (Spain only):
    • Commemorative plaque recognizing you as a donor, displayed at the entrance to the canteen.
    • T-shirt silkscreened with the save-the-canteen campaign logo “No me toques la olla” (green, 100% cotton)
    • Two guest invitations to the gala celebration.

    > 00 Co-finanziatori

Empezamos la campaña!!

09 | 05 | 2019
Empezamos la campaña!!

Con mucha ilusión presentamos nuestra campaña y agradecemos a todas las personas que se interesan por nuestro querido proyecto.

Hace justo un año que nos manifestamos masivamente en las calles de Granada para recuperar la gestión de nuestro comedor ecológico. Hoy, precisamente, lanzamos esta campaña para recaudar fondos y hacer que su supervivencia (que debería ser promovida por la administración pública y replicado en cada cole) sea un hecho.

Seguiiremos luchando por este modelo participativo con resultados probados!


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