"Coconut and Gender Equity: Women's Empowerment

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  • Location San Lorenzo, Esmeraldas, Ecuador (1°16'54.9"N 78°50'19.3"W)
Filed on 04 / 03 / 2024
£ 52
£ 4,963
£ 8,194
5 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 9

    Donation level: $10 Reward: A personalised thank you on social media or email, along with a digital coconut cookbook.

    Nivel de donación: 10 dólares
    Recompensa: Un agradecimiento personalizado en redes sociales o correo electrónico, junto con un libro de recetas de cocina de coco en formato digital.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 17

    Donation level: US$30

    Donation level: $30
    Reward: A bottle of high quality extra virgin coconut oil (250 ml) along with a personalised thank you on social media or email.


    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 30

    Donation level: US$50

    Donation level: $50
    Reward: A box of canned coconut milk (400 ml) along with 3 bottles of extra virgin coconut oil (250 ml) and a personalised thank you on social media or email.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 43

    Donation level: US$ 100

    Reward: A pack of premium desiccated coconut (250 g), 12 bottles of extra virgin coconut oil (250 ml), a box of canned coconut milk (400 ml) and a personalised thank you on social media or email.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 68

    Donation level: US$ 200

    Reward: A pack of premium desiccated coconut (250 g), 18 bottles of extra virgin coconut oil (250 ml), a box of canned coconut milk (400 ml), a bag of natural coconut compost (1 kg) and a personalised thank you on social media or email.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 85

    Donation level: US$300

    Reward: A pack of premium desiccated coconut (250 g), a bottle of extra virgin coconut oil (250 ml), a box of canned coconut milk (400 ml), a bag of natural coconut compost (1 kg), a coco loco (fresh coconut) and a personalised thank you on social media or email.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 170

    Donation level: + USD 500

    Reward: A pack of premium desiccated coconut (250 g), 24 bottles of extra virgin coconut oil (250 ml), a box of canned coconut milk (400 ml), a bag of natural coconut compost (1 kg), two coco locos (fresh coconut) and a coconut shell craft as a unique souvenir, plus a personalised thank you on social media or email.
    30% discount for one year.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 425

    "Compromiso Excepcional"

    Tu compromiso excepcional merece un reconocimiento especial. Recibirás una selección exclusiva de todo los productos de coco y una mención destacada en nuestro muro de agradecimientos.

    ¿Sabes que te puedes desgravar hasta el 80% de esta aportación en el Estado Español? Tu gasto real se quedaría en 257,50€ AQUÍ.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 850

    "Fundador Inspirador"

    Como fundador inspirador por tu donación, recibirás una caja premium con todos los productos de coco Palmeras Ortiz, una maceta, una lámpara exclusiva y una obra de arte única como testimonio de nuestra eterna gratitud. Además, te convertirás en un pilar fundamental de Palmeras Ortiz. Grabaremos tu nombre o marca en el salón de Palmeras Ortiz, como recordatorio de tu gran contribución y marcaras un hito en nuestra historia.

    ¿Sabes que te puedes desgravar hasta el 80% de esta aportación en el Estado Español? Tu gasto real se quedaría en 582,50€ AQUÍ.

    > 00 Co-financiers

About this project

• A Sustainable Future and Women's Empowerment through Coco

Needs Material Minimum Optimum
Investment in equipment and materials to improve the productivity of coconut oil, coconut milk, dehydrated coconut, coconut fertiliser.
This involves acquiring advanced processing equipment and high quality materials that optimise each stage of production. Equipment includes specialised machinery for coconut extraction and processing, while materials range from raw material to final packaging.
£ 4,248
Needs Task Minimum Optimum
Consideraciones de comisiones y costos
consideracion de las comisiones de Goteo y las de transferencia bancaria. al igual si se activa Si activas PayPal.
£ 714
Sostenibilidad en Tareas Clave de Palmeras Ortiz
Solventar los costos de las tareas primordiales en Palmeras Ortiz es esencial. Esto garantiza la continuidad eficiente de las operaciones principales, asegurando la calidad, productividad y sostenibilidad a largo plazo de la empresa.
£ 1,700
Needs Infrastructure Minimum Optimum
Adecuaciones y Espacio en Palmeras Ortiz
El valor de las adecuaciones y instalaciones en Palmeras Ortiz es crucial. Optimizan el espacio para maquinaria y almacenamiento, garantizando eficiencia y calidad en la producción y resguardo de productos.
£ 1,531
Total £ 4,963 £ 8,194

General information

In the most challenging corners of Ecuador, in the province of Esmeraldas, an amazing example of courage and determination emerges: an association of intrepid coconut farmers. Their bold vision and unwavering commitment to progress shine in the midst of unparalleled geographical and social adversity. On the border with Colombia, where the lack of employment and educational opportunities is intertwined with the threatening presence of subversive groups, these enterprising women defend their vision with inspiring courage.

Imagine, for a moment, the impact of your support on this journey. Every drop of coconut oil, every shred of desiccated coconut, every sip of coconut milk you promote is an affirmation of hope and progress. These women, mixed artisans of their craft, have turned adversity into an opportunity to create products of exceptional quality. Through their innovative approach and artisanal process, they are weaving the future with threads of sustainability and resilience.

Today, we invite you to join this wave of change. Your investment is not just in coconut products, but in the tangible transformation of lives, families and entire communities. We not only promote the industrialisation of coconut oil, desiccated coconut, coconut milk and coconut fibre, but also the growth of a sustainable and equitable ecosystem. The management of an organic certification is a testament to its commitment to excellence and constant innovation.

This is not a simple call to action, but a challenge to make a lasting difference. Together, we are shaping a future where courage and determination define success. Your investment and support are forging a path to prosperity and security in these brave communities. On this exciting journey, we are united by the conviction that our collective effort can transform reality and catalyse meaningful change. Join us on this exciting journey to make a difference in the lives of these women entrepreneurs and their families!

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

Most important features:

• Courage and Determination: The association of coconut producers in Esmeraldas, Ecuador, stands out for its bold vision and unwavering commitment to progress, despite the unique geographical and social challenges in its region.

• Focus on Innovation: These entrepreneurs not only face challenges, but also transform them into opportunities through an innovative approach and mixed craft processes.

• Sustainability and Resilience: Its focus on organic certification and sustainable production reflects its commitment to excellence and the creation of exceptional quality products.

Differentiation from the rest:
• The association differentiates itself through its ability to transform adversity into opportunity, its courageous approach in disadvantaged communities and its artisanal process that guarantees exceptional quality.
Objectives to be achieved:

• Transforming Lives: Driving the transformation of lives, families and communities through investment in coconut products and sustainable support.

• Sustainable Industrialisation: Promote the industrialisation of coconut products, such as oil, dehydrated coconut, milk and fibre, to generate employment and local prosperity.

• Equitable Ecosystem: Contribute to the development of a sustainable and equitable ecosystem, supporting organic certification and constant innovation.

• Making a Lasting Difference: Challenging donors and investors to be part of meaningful and lasting change in communities, based on courage and determination.
• Forging a Better Future: Through support and investment, contribute to a reality where courage and determination define success, catalysing significant changes in the lives of these women entrepreneurs.

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Why this is important

The motives that prompted us to conceive this project emerge from an inspiring context. In the challenging corners of Ecuador, specifically in the province of Esmeraldas, an association of intrepid women coconut producers emerges. Their bold vision and unwavering commitment to progress shines through in the midst of unique geographical and social adversities. On the border with Colombia, where the lack of employment and educational opportunities is intertwined with the threatening presence of subversive groups, these enterprising women defend their vision with inspiring courage.
This project is not only aimed at supermarket communities, but also at individuals who are passionate about healthy eating. People who are looking for authentic and sustainable options to nourish themselves. Their products such as coconut oil, dried coconut, coconut milk and coconut fibre are exemplary of exceptional quality and authenticity.
Transformation is palpable. Your support impacts lives, families and communities. You not only promote the industrialisation of coconut products, but also the development of an equitable and sustainable ecosystem. The pursuit of organic certification demonstrates your ongoing dedication to excellence and innovation.
This is not a simple call to action, but a challenge to make a lasting difference. A call to build a future where courage and determination carve out success. Your investment and support forge a path to prosperity and security in these courageous communities. United in the conviction that collective effort can catalyse meaningful change, we invite you to join us on this exciting journey to make a difference in the lives of these women entrepreneurs and their families. Join us and create an impact that transcends!

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Team and experience

Previous experience and equipment
This type of business, focused on the production of coconut oil, dehydrated coconut, coconut milk and coconut fibre, has been passed down from generation to generation, preserving its essence and quality. We are a uniquely complementary team, with driving members and collaborators who bring diverse skills. This diversity guarantees the viability of the project from the very beginning. Our experience in diverse fields enriches and provides the necessary focus to bring it to fruition. We form a solid and highly skilled team, with the expertise required to consolidate it successfully.

Driving equipment
• Melania Catillo and Benjamín Ortiz lead this exceptional project with vision and passion. With the unconditional support of his son, WILMER ORTIZ CASTILLO, he financed his studies in Administration and obtained an MBA in Business Administration. This achievement was possible thanks to the joint efforts of his parents, who were dedicated to the sale of coconut as a raw material and the artisanal production of coconut oil and shredded coconut. Wilmer's vast experience in the commercial and entrepreneurial fields elevates the value of this community enterprise to exceptional levels.
• Engineer Raquel Arteaga has a deep expertise in the field of communication, playing a key role as the person in charge of network management and communication design for the PALMERAS ORTIZ association of women entrepreneurs. Her experience in this field is an essential pillar in projecting the association's vision and products effectively. With a creative and strategic approach, Raquel drives the connection with the audience and enhances the image of PALMERAS ORTIZ in the digital world. Her ability to merge technical knowledge with creativity is a valuable asset to the growth and success of the association.
• Gabriela Requene, an agricultural engineer, brings invaluable knowledge to sustainable farming in this partnership of entrepreneurs seeking to thrive amidst challenges. Her expertise is an essential asset, guiding production in an efficient and environmentally friendly manner. Gabriela strengthens the association's mission by ensuring responsible and cutting-edge agricultural practices. Her commitment to sustainability and excellence directly influences product quality and long-term viability. Thanks to her expertise, the association is moving towards a more promising and environmentally friendly future.
• Tallita Ortiz Moreno, a technologist with extensive experience in human talent management, is the force that holds the PALMERAS ORTIZ ASSOCIATION group together and keeps faith in a better future. Alongside her, the members of the association play a crucial role. Each one is an invaluable asset, helping to forge a path towards a dignified and prosperous future for the whole community. Among them are: Yajaira, Erika, Gabi, Yaritza, Betty, Claudia, Magni, Anabel, Dayana, Melani, Andrea, Sonia, Sandro and Alberto. These artisans, also part of the assembly, contribute resources and knowledge, make decisions and guide the direction of PALMERAS ORTIZ. Their commitment is the driving force behind every task. At present, we have almost reached the minimum number of craftswomen necessary to guarantee the economic viability of the project.

The association operates on around 20 hectares of plantations and owns a plot of land on which work is underway to build a space for the production and storage of products. We are in the process of upgrading the facilities according to the requirements of the certifiers to meet the necessary standards. Each entrepreneur contributes her effort and dedication to the production of small batches, strengthening the quality and authenticity of the products. Together, we are overcoming challenges and moving towards a more prosperous and sustainable future.
• In terms of equipment, our warehouses currently have the basic structure, with some interventions having been carried out, such as the creation of an annex for services. In addition, we have secured the installation of water and plumbing, as well as the implementation of fibre optics to enhance our operations. The next phases will focus on the specific rehabilitation and adaptation of each space as the works progress. Our association, operating on approximately 20 hectares of plantations and with land earmarked for the construction of a production and storage space, is in the process of optimising the facilities to meet the standards required by the certifiers.


Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • No poverty

    Economic growth must be inclusive to provide sustainable jobs and promote equality.

  • Good Health and Well-Being

    Ensuring healthy lives and promoting the well-being for all at all ages is essential to sustainable development.

  • Gender Equality

    Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world.

  • Climate Action

    Climate change is a global challenge that affects everyone, everywhere.